Educators Academy

Download movies for free. On this webpage you can find different titles that you can use as part of your classes. You do not need to buy anything in order to be able to access these movies.
Free audio books. Here you can download audio books for free. This can be helpful especially for students with special needs. You also can volunteer to read books and be part of an international community of readers.
Dictionary services. World Reference offers dictionary services for several languages and also gives the meaning in different contexts in which words can be used. This tool is very useful in languages classes.
Free access to full text books. With this tool you have access two thousands of tittles and this project is constantly growing. These books are formatted for different readers platforms allowing you to access them through your computer, tablets or phones.
Webpage where you can find free materials in all areas of study and levels. You can also buy materials designed by teachers or create your own account where you can sell your own lessons.
Free downloads for activity packages for the French language. On this webpage you can find materials for different levels and themes to enhance your resources in class.
Free activity packages in the Spanish language. Here you can find worksheets and activities for different levels of Spanish. You can find here free downloads that you can reproduce for your classes.
Free activity packages for ESL and DUAL Language classes. Here you can find resources for all levels of ESL and DUAL languages classes and you can also download these materials for use in your classes.
Open source activity packages for ESL programs. Here you can find lesson plans and worksheets that you can use and recycle in class. These materials are designed by teachers with real classroom experiences.
Free access and downloads ESL activity packages. Also you can find games and communicative activities to make your learning experience more fun and dynamic.
Full text educational books. Here you can find professional books with new educational suggestions and theories for all levels and subjects.
United Nations open source educational resources. Here you can enhance your vision about education with different international perspectives. This can open the door for new cultural educational contexts and experiences that you can integrate as part of your teaching styles.
Free access and downloads of educational materials. Also you can find lesson plans and other material packages to enhance the resources you use in the classroom.
Open teaching resources with videos, music, lesson plans and more. You can download for free most of these materials and integrate them to your classes. Here you can find games and activities for all levels and areas of study.
Reading materials with the most recent approaches for educational theories. Free downloads that you can integrate as part as your learning experience in class for different levels and areas of study.
Find a variety of lesson resources in different areas of study and lesson plan. Also you can find resources for students an enhance their learning experience.
Teaching and student resources for STEM Programs. This webpage is dedicated for STEM programs related to Science, Math, Technology and Engineering. Here you can find a range of variety resources in those areas of study.